Friday, June 03, 2005

Newtown Creek

Newtown Creek . . . it's a polluted place that all the filth and stuff end up . . . it's the border to Queens and Brooklyn . . . like the Gowanus Canal it's polluted enough that you cannot drink it or use it for anything . . . you can only help clean it and check the water quality. You can test the salinity (the amount of salt in the water), the dissolved oxygen (the amount of oxygen in the water), and other variables that can affect the life forms living in the body of water. Newtown Creek has alot of oil spills, which can greatly affect the water's condition. The health of the water can also be checked by the different animals that live in the surrounding area. If birds, like commorants, are sighted that eat fish, then there must be fish living in the water for the birds to eat. newtown creek is ot really a creek though...even if alot of people claim it is...its more an estuary. an estuary is a water body that connects two other bodies of water. and like many water bodies it is used as a dump and contains many cso's (combined sewage oufall)

Jesenia P.